Terms of License.


As an NFT owner, you have the right to copy, display, remix, and do any other creative things with TheRoseNFT you own. This means that with this license you can turn your NFT into physical objects, a derivative project, almost anything you choose to do with your NFT.

However, Sirpa Moghissi, also retains the shared ownership to use the digital and physical artworks she has produced without the rose which can be found on a TheRoseNFT. Sirpa Moghissi can still sell the physical works she currently owns (some of which feature digitally in TheRoseNFT project).

This will mean that, when for example merchandise and the generative project is made by the team (see Roadmap), the artworks which features behind many of the roses, Sirpa Moghissi still has the ability and licence to use those digital artworks for future projects.

In addition the brand itself (TheRoseNFT), or other intellectual property associated with project/publisher organisation also is not given up upon selling an NFT to a new owner. Finally, you are not allowed to do bad things with your NFT -- illegal, racist, sexist, or homophobic stuff, for example.

Your License

    1. If you own an NFT, then we grant you a personal, sub licensable, non-exclusive, license to use, copy, display, modify, and create derivative works from the Art.

2. **Transferring Your NFT.** You may sell or transfer your NFT, and upon such sale or transfer, your entire license to the Art and any associated rights will transfer to the new owner. The new owner will enjoy the license and any associated rights described above, provided that the new owner’s ownership of the NFT is cryptographically verifiable on the Elrond blockchain.

3. **Restrictions.** You agree to not use the Art in any way that is unlawful, pornographic, defamatory, abusive, harassing, obscene, harmful to minors, racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise objectionable to a reasonable person.

4. Sirpa Moghissi still has a shared ownership and ability to also use the underlying artwork (the painting/artwork which is featured behind the roses) to produce future content and benefits for TheRoseNFT holders, and can still use the underlying artworks on her website and as she chooses.